Who we are
Bethesda is a church where people from all walks of life find meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other. We are passionate about God’s Word and loving people!

An MB Church
Bethesda is a part of the US Conference of Mennonite Brethren churches (USMB for short). The USMB is a family of about 200 diverse congregations in 21 different states. The USMB is made up of several smaller districts. Bethesda Church belongs to the Central District which includes churches in Montana, North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin & Indiana.
80 years of God's goodness and faithfulness
In February 1943, ten Krimmer (Crimean) Mennonite Brethren members met to organize a new church to serve the city of Huron and its surrounding area. Bethesda Church was the name chosen by that small group of men and women. Within the next couple years the church was formally organized, a building was purchased and they joined the Mennonite Brethren Conference. On July 1, 1945 the first service and Sunday School classes were. held in the new building. God has been faithful to provide everything Bethesda has needed to walk in obedience to Him. God has blessed Bethesda with faithful members, pastors and missionaries who have continued to further the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations.